India is a country of many metropolitans but have you noticed that when it comes to EDM concerts in the country, none of the artists or bands give Bangalore a miss. Do you know why? Well for starters Bangalore has some of the finest venues and state of the art sound systems and the crowd here is perfect and always in the mood for another EDM concert!

EDM or Electronic Dance Music concerts in Bangalore can be a really good experience but there are a few things that you will need to follow in order to enjoy an evening of hassle free music. Wondering what they are? Come, let’s take a look at some of the most important pointers for you to keep in mind:


  • We all know that even on a regular day, Bangalore traffic is killing. So if you want to enter the concert in time then do make sure that you have at least 2 hours in hand because as you approach the venue it will become all the more difficult to move. On top of that if you are going in your own car then finding a parking spot will call for a whole new level of patience on your part. So make sure that you keep all that time in your hand and do not have to miss out on the first few tracks of your favourite perfomer!
  • EDM concerts are all about letting yourself loose. People get drunk and you will probably down a few as well to get into the mood. But just make sure that you do not drink too much and if you do then you should not drive. Call dibs on who will be driving you guys home that night and he or she should not drink. If need be call a cab, but do not drink and drive.
  • These days EDM concerts have become strict about the age restriction and hence do not try to sneak your way in if you are not 18 and above. Carry your age proof with you at all times since you will be asked you to show it at the gate when you enter. You just might not be allowed entry without your age proof, so this is something that you will have to carry.
  • Be very careful about talking to strangers or dancing with them. You will have plenty of people coming up to you and asking you to dance or even offer you a smuggled drink, but do not fall for that. Stick close to your group and be with your friends all the time.
  • And last but not the least keep in mind that when you leave the concert you will have to battle through a huge traffic jam all over again. Keep that in mind when you leave and if you want to avoid the mess then you can leave as soon as the artists finish their last track.

These five golden rules will help you to enjoy the perfect EDM concert experience in Bangalore. Just be on your guard and party hard to good music for a lovely evening!


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